Street photography is the most difficult un-rewarding, and looked down upon photographic exercise of all. Yet many photographers are attracted to this raw test of one's photographic talent and commitment to find poetry in everyday life. There is a lot of street photography work out there, but in my opinion, very little of the work shown is worthy of the genre forged by Cartier Bresson and Vivian Maier.
Daniel Milnor wrote : "Street photography is a nightmare, at least for me. So much has to happen before something magical occurs. This can happen instantly or over a long period of time. Light is always an issue. People are an issue. Access is an issue. There is a razors edge fine line between a good street image and a snapshot being pawned off as a great work".

Once in a while, if your are lucky, the time and effort devoted to the exercise pay. It is this moment where the photographer found the right combination of (magic) moment, light, composition, and had a camera in his hands.
About the Serendipi-city​
Street Photography